• Arm Styling –
  • Ball Change –
  • Chase –
  • Cuban Motion –
  • Closed Position –
  • Dancing Position –
  • Floor Craft –
  • Flick –
  • Foot Rise –
  • Frame –
  • Free Spin or Free Turn – also you can refer to as a “Solo Spin” rotating independently without a physical connection to the dance partner.
  • Holds –
  • Heal lead – committing a step with heel sliding through the floor forward.
  • Isolation – developed the ability to move limbs independently.
  • Line of Dance – When couples dance travelling dances such as Waltz, Tano, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz or Quick-Step, the direction is counterclockwise.
  • Link Step – Pattern that connects two elements of movement.
  • Lunge –
  • Natural Turn – turn to the right (clockwise). Any dance pattern with the word “Natural” will have a clockwise (rotating movement to the right) movement in its description.
  • Open Break – both partners take a step back from each other.
  • Promenade Position –
    Established Ballroom Dane Terminology
  • Reverse turn – a turn to the left (counterclockwise). Any Pattern that is described with the word Revers will have left the curving direction.
  • Rise and Fall –
  • Rock step– Movement when a dancer shifts body weight from front positioned foot to a back positioned foot.
  • Shadow Position –
  • Shine Position – where partners dance without physical contact with each other.
  • Slow – taking two beats per step from the music.
  • Tap – strike the floor lightly with the toe or heel of your foot.
  • Spotting –
  • Tempo – the pace of the music.
  • Toe lead –
  • Quick – taking one step per one bit of the music.
  • Variation – upgraded pattern that originates from the “School figures” of ballroom steps.

If you are interested more to read about Ballroom Dane Terminology, theory, tools and concepts, we recommend visiting https://dancevision.com/

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Established Ballroom Dance Terminology